If you are into Polyphasic Sleep then you will have heard of Steve Pavlina. Well as I was reading one of his many insightful articles I came across this line: “Do I alienate people when I say that torturing and killing defenseless animals for food is wrong? Perhaps. But truth is truth”. Now, I wish there was another way and I am all for the well being of all animals, heck I will carry an insect outside before I will kill it, but when I read that line I knew a story was there. As I laid down for one of my “naps” I had the following vision in true Polyphasic style.
I am interviewing a middle age man who is a Vegan. He is talking about the health benefits of eating plants and the unhealthiness of eating the dead flesh of animals and I nod and agree. During the interview he invites me to view his garden and I of course accept. We start down a small trail and the man points to right. Naturally I look and in the distance I see a cow.
The man shakes his head and says, “all those poor creatures, they will be slaughtered next month”.
As we approach the garden the distance cow has seen us and pokes his head through the barbed wire and the man says, “we domesticate these creature claiming it will be better for them when all they want is freedom”. He shakes his head in disgust. We reach the garden and the man pushes back some pea bearing vine that had climbed over his fence. He smiles and opens the gate for me and I walk in.
The man continues, “the disgusting part is”, he nods in the direction of the the cow, “all the hormones and chemicals we subject them to, it’s just not right”. I nod in agreement.
The man turns to me, “oh, would you hand me that pesticide please”. I look at him, then the cow, then the pesticide, “umm, sure”. I give him the container and he starts spraying.
After a few minutes of silence, he says, “and the worst part now, with today’s modern science, is all this gene splicing, making them bigger, manipulating how god made them. I tell you it is an affront to God”. I just nod at this point.
The man is now planting some seeds and so I ask, “what are those”? He opens his hands and shows me, “They are soybeans”.
I laughed out-loud when that vision faded, soybeans are one of the most genetically modified items on this planet. However, it got me thinking about something I rarely speak of unless I am called to action and force to defend a flesh eater from the onslaught of something I like to call “The Hypocrisy of The Vegan”.
Sometimes I just don’t understand people and their ritualistic condemnations. I am of course referring to many modern day Vegans. I am not saying all, but many are walking, talking, breathing examples of hypocrisy. I do not contest the value and nutritional quality you receive from eating plants and stuff, my concern is, aren’t most Vegans being hypocrites when they condemn others for “torturing and killing defenseless animals”. Again I certainly do not wish to cause harm upon anyone or anything or advocate such behavior of killing, but where does this torture line reside. Of course certainly a screaming animal crying out gets our attention. However, what if that animal didn’t say a word? What if the pain it experienced was kept internally, would society stand up to defend this poor animal so fervently? Many would say of course we would, this poor animal needs our protection, you can see the pain and fear in it’s eyes. Okay, I will give you that, but what if it had no eyes? Without all the external indications of pain, suffering, and fear we as a society assume there must not be any. I speak of course for the millions of plants that are slaughtered everyday. How someone in casual conversation at the dinner table carves into a poor defenseless plant, all-the-while, this innocent plant howls and it’s pain falls upon deaf ears. All the while, the conversation continues as this brutality unfolds taking the life force from this plant. If it could run away, you know it would.
One of the ironic comments I have heard from Vegans and I am sure you have too is eating animals is dead food, while eating plants is live food. Well, shouldn’t that statement alone clue us in to the life and destruction we assault on these plants. If placed outside, many plants will follow the sun for food. If you placed an obstacle in the path of the root system of a plant it will probe until it finds the best route around as seen in several time lapse films of this behavior.
There is no question about whether plants are alive or not. We all agree they are. However, because their method of communication is alien or so foreign to us that their cry for freedom to end this chaos and suffering goes unheard. So, the next time you hear someone, usually a Vegan, proclaiming proudly how they personally eat (slaughter, maim, torture, and kill) defenseless plants and condemn you or anyone for eating something someone else killed, I beseech you, in the name of all that is just and pure to stand up for the plants and proudly call out whoever is spewing forth this bile of hypocritical condemnation with total disregard for their own actions. At least the animal eater doesn’t chop off a leg of a live animal slowly killing it to feed his/her family. So I will end this article with a quote from someone we all are familiar with, “why do you look at the splinter in your brothers eye, but paid no heed to the log in your own”.
Stop the Madness,
(For an Audio version of this article push the play button above)
I’ve got add my own annoyances with many things said about eating meat. Perhaps the first one is how some people claim it’s better for the planet not to eat meat because of the carbon emissions, etc. What frustrates me is that I believe there are many other ways to drastically reduce the problem without giving up meat — however, for some “organizations”, it’s preferable to push forward grains instead of meat. And so, people keep doing many other harmful for the planet things, but won’t eat meat. In the USA, I especially have a problem with one “predominant” organization which, IMHO, gives really bad nutritional advice…
That being said, I am all for treating the animals we use for food (and all animals in general) as humanly as possible, instead of stuffing them and injecting them with chemicals. The happier the animal, the happier I will be too! But otherwise, yes, I’ve got to agree – saying such things about people who consider themselves carnivores is just ridiculous. You can’t make such judgments on a subjective issue.
As to Steve Pavlina in particular… I used to read his blog a lot… about 6years ago? (Wow time passes quickly!) I thought he had some really great posts (he, of course, still does), but after he started with that entire polyamory story, I understood that fame and success can indeed change people drastically. As I result, I seldom visit it — mostly to read an old article.
I had no idea Steve was into this “polyamory”. Shows how much I read his stuff. I just remember him from years and years ago and when I was getting into Polyphasic recently he is mentioned everywhere. From there I have been reading his articles on blogging and stuff, but never came across the polyamory. So, I headed over to his site, searched for the term and started skimming the article and didn’t even finish it. He is entitled to his own beliefs, but I certainly do not want that. I want total love and commitment. Where you would be devastated if your soul-mate left you or even found love in another. Where they are your entire life, every facet of your being is so in-love. It is something Elizabeth had a hard time accepting in the beginning that someone could give her their entire heart and at some times it is a big responsibility. We have epic arguments, and nearly all are because we can’t be together 24/7. We are close, but not there yet. In time we will, but for now, we must endure. As for Steve Palvina’s point of view, Elizabeth would probably slap him for for thinking it. lol.. I don’t know, I am sure she will say something now. Like, “Why the hell are you doing reading his site!” lol. Gotta love her
To me, he really used that excuse to date other women other than his wife — the day he published this post, I was absolutely sure they wouldn’t last long, even if he claimed she was OK with it and understood his reasons. And of course, a few months later they did announce their divorce (which I believe went through, although I didn’t follow the events). A serious relationship simply cannot be based on something like that, and I believe that the kind you are describing is the right one to have. I could have maybe (really, just maybe) accepted his polyamory story if he wasn’t into any kind of committed relationship. But when you’ve promised to be exclusively with someone, you can’t just change suddenly your mind and expect them to go along with it.
Anyway, I hope the two of you manage to spend more time together and have less arguments. Although, I’ve got to say — a couple who knows how to argue and make up will endure much more than a couple who does not dare arguing!
And if Elizabeth wanted to slap him for it, I would totally understand her
“A serious relationship simply cannot be based on something like that”
Yes it can. But you really have to start the relationship that way. You can’t pull the ol’ switcheroo after years of monogamy and expect it to work.
is also ridiculous and hypocrite saying you are for animal welfare, but not doing something about that, and even continue to eat industrial meat products from animals kept and killed in bad conditions.
interesting post. regarding vegans, or any people who subscribe to a very specific philosophical viewpoint, i’ve always felt that the best way to express one’s viewpoint isn’t to push your beliefs on others, but to become an example of the positive effects of those beliefs in your own life. why should someone tell me of the evils of eating meat? why not show me instead how abstaining from meat has had a positive influence on your well-being? I am affected by personal growth and character development — not by arguments and debate.
now, about the polyamory thing. like JD, i didn’t know anything about it, nor was i aware of steve pavlina’s involvement in this lifestyle until I just looked it up on his website. i tend to agree with claudie that these sorts of relationships don’t really have long-term viability. eventually one of the people involved will decide that it is not for them. and like JD i definitely couldn’t live my own life in this way. i think that i should take my own advice, and instead of giving in to my inclination to put down steve’s life choices, i’m going to focus on making good life choices for myself and allowing those to be the example of who i am and what i believe …
thanks again!
“i tend to agree with claudie that these sorts of relationships don’t really have long-term viability.”
Lol! How many monogamous relationships have you and your friends been in? How many of them have ended? 99%? 100%? Sounds like monogamous relationships don’t have long-term viability to me.
I should maybe amend my previous comments as I now am with a woman who enjoys the company of other women. It is soooo much easier to be in a relationship where I do not have to worry about if I am looking at another woman or thinking about other women or women looking at me or so many other things. Our relationship feel so much more cohesive than any I have been in before.
Just came across this article over a year late, I guess, but felt the need to comment as I am investigating veganism (note: I am not even vegetarian and I don’t eat healthy). While I have found a lot of junk about vegan purists, I am about objectivity, and one thing I would say is that there is a lot of hypocrisy with pet “lovers.” Certainly, us meat eaters don’t cut the leg off of an animal to eat while they are presumably unconscious, but we pay someone to do all this gory stuff before it’s all nice and neatly packaged in the store – I don’t buy that expensive humane raised stuff, so I guess mine comes from those industrial farms or whatever they call them. But anyways, what I don’t agree with both sides is that you all seem to lump each other into groups – PETA vs. Ted Nugent. I certainly am not a “Ted Nugent” omnivore just as much as some vegans aren’t “PETA” vegans. I hear most meat eaters get all livid when someone abuses or tortures a dog or cat, then they raise money for an animal shelter by having a bbq with hamburgers and hotdogs. How is that any more hypocritical than a vegan eating living plants, which really don’t feel pain? I mean, I don’t get extremism with any issue, but I can also tell when people are obsessed with something or some group, and work tirelessly to debunk and fight these people. If someone is being ridiculous, most people can see right through them. In this case, you wouldn’t necessarily convince me vegans or vegan diets are stupid, rather you make observational blanket statements about one vegan in order to prove vegans are hypocritical, when in actuality, everyone is a hypocrite.
The article was more satiric and written to induce someone to think about how they condemn others without looking towards their own actions first. It could have been any subject, but just found the quote that started it all interesting. I was not talking about one vegan, I was referencing all vegans that condemn others for actions, they do themselves just in a different Kingdom of life. You can use the same line of thinking in so many other aspects of life.
there is nothing hypocritical in being vegan, in attempting to produce less suffering. insects are killed by whole cropping process, not only by pesticides. but just because we live in an imperfect world, does not mean that there’s nothing to do, and is not an excuse. animals are eating meat because they have no choise. we have. we have knowledge, will, even science and technology to make it easier. animals are not the example and the model for humans. shall we kill little babies, as well as lions do, just because are not ours? veganism is a complex process -like anarchism- that allows human beings to overcome a state of affaires, and to evolve physically and mentally. assuming that plants are suffering is not comparable with the certainty that animals do. with the fact that animals have complex emotions, like man. and saying that human brain came with eating meat, is like saying what was first: the chicken or the egg? cause he could get the idea of eating meat, even he was not carnivorous. maybe because they ate also eggs of birds, which still remains an option for those who say that meat is indispensable. even pigs and cows from farms eat meat or animal baset concentrate when they are given. this special brain -and by that is meant the ideas he held- is the one who made human history, a history of wars, crimes and exploitation, that continues.
I’m not a vegan but this essay is incredibly stupid. Plants aren’t capable of suffering.
Vegans are hypocrites because a completely plant-based diet still kills animals indirectly (field animals killed by farm machinery to make salads, orangutans killed by palm oil farmers to make vegan cheese), just as eating dairy or egg products kills animals indirectly (slaughtering males at birth and females when they stop producing).
To condemn one and not the other is hypocrisy.
Just saying, vegans don’t eat eggs or dairy products. Your argument is directed against lacto-ovo vegetarians.
What’s the meaning of ‘suffering’, anyway? Have you tried growing plants yourself?
I, myself, think that plants could suffer, too. Maybe you can argue they couldn’t feel any pain when you pluck one of their leaves, or one of their fruit. They may be grateful because they provide you food, but they could suffer from insufficient water and sun, for example. Some plants will have their leaves dry because they’re thirsty and sunburned… Would you call this as ‘not suffering’?
this is the dumbest thing i have ever read – do you cut your lawn? do you trim bushes?
even if your article had any validity to it – what is the average life cycle of a vegetable plant? they will die on their own within months at most past full growth. versus a SENTIMENT being like a cow who is tortured and slaughtered for years.
To answer your questions, no I do not cut my lawn or trim bushes. I do not know the average life cycle of a vegetable plant, however I do not believe the value of life should be determined by years spent in a physical form anyway.
As for cows being tortured you should just buy your beef from the grocery store where no cows are harmed.
This argument is incredibly stupid, plants do not have a nervousness system, nor do they have a brain that could process fear, pain or suffering. If you have ever seen a factory farm raised animal, you can see that the conditions are unhealthy, if you have seen animals slaughtered, you can see and hear the pain that they are going through. As many have similar nervous systems to humans, we can equate what it may feel like to choke, be scalded, have our nuts cut off without anesthesia, etc. etc.
I am a vegan, and I don’t care if you eat meat or not, but coming up with rationales like this to avoid taking notice of or to justify not caring about the suffering that goes on, is beyond dumb. Most vegans I know aren’t vegans because they think eating meat is wrong, it is because the meat, eggs and dairy are usually raised and slaughtered in a completely unnecessarily torturous manner. If my buddy offered me meat from a hunt, or someone offered me eggs from their backyard raised chickens, I would have no problem eating those. Trying to reduce suffering in any manner is not hypocritical, it is the right thing to do.
STUPID is take care about feelings of the inferior animals.
people in Africa are starving and you vegan boys dont care about their feelings.
thats is not only stupid but its even cruel because they are HOMO SAPIENS TOO like me and you.
F*ck the cows if you have a RELIGION ABOUT ANIMAL FEELINGS its your problem not ours!!!!
I really dont care anything about cows and chickens feelings! the lions and tigers dont care about hindu feelings before killing them so WHY I HAVE TO? There are no sin into eating meat thats pure bullshit.
I only take into account the fact that people eat more meat than needed and thats not so healthy but feelings of the cow before die? We even are the same species! those guys are simple freaks…
This article is stupid. Plants don’t have a central nervous system, animals do. Jose Carlos you are pathetic. Lions and tigers are WILD ANIMALS. It is in their instinct as wild animals to hunt and kill their prey, us humans are smarter than that and we don’t have to hunt for food. Yes, there are starving people in Africa but for every person fighting for a better life for animals, there are many fighting for the people of Africa. It is obviously our passion and we are not freaks because of it. Ann: so does what you’re saying mean if a person drives they are contributing toward thousands of the deaths of animals and humans? Check yourself.
Us humans are really good about rationalizing actions that are concurrent to our beliefs. So much in that sense that we won’t even acknowledge the disparity between our actions and our thoughts.
Cognitive dissonance is a pain, so we avoid it any way we can…
Want to get morally intellectual with food? Eat nothing.