Blogging – Day 10

After 10 days of blogging or rather learning to blog I seem to have more and more ideas.  I have so many interests, like Sports Betting, Travel, Restaurants,  Beer, Starting Businesses, and many more.  It is so hard to stay focused.  I have so much information and now that I hope I have most of the structure of the site done I can begin actually writing articles.  The hard part is reigning myself in.  This is just supposed to be a something to do on the side.  I even have that huge novel of over 400 pages written, just seems there is not enough time in the day.  I may have to start that polyphasic sleep project up.  See, another entire blog could be devoted to that, oh and what about the short films, real estate, day trading, commodities… the list just never seems to stop.  Focus, focus, that seems to be the hardest part of blogging.  There is just so much to blog about.  So much knowledge and experience to pass on.  Do I make new sites, as in, Burger wars here in Bay City, meaning I am blogging about the best place to buy a hamburger, make it a competition between fast food and restaurants and do I just put that all under JD Sports Online, seems kind of weird, or do I make it’s own restaurant guide blog.  See, again, I keep wanting to just explode information on the web instead of just relaxing and moving forward.  What is my end game; to travel, see the world, make videos of it, talk about it and blog about it.  So, for now, keep everything under one umbrella, JD Sports Online, I can always move parts of the site in the future.

Personal Blog:
It is currently raining a steady beat outside.  I turned off my lights in the upstairs office and stared out into the night through my big window overlooking the bare trees and single light giving off a halo far away.  In the distance, I can hear a car wandering home through the rain soaked streets.  The sound of the rain is mesmerizing, enchanting, and touches the mind of wonder with it steady fall. I stare and I stare…


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About JD

John Howard has owned 13 companies, had a Real Estate license, been an Mortgage Loan Officer, been extensively involved in Day Trading, Commodities, Bought and Sold Tax Property, Accomplished Tax Auditor, Accountant, Written numerous computer programs, Written Screen Plays & Short Films, been Director on two major production short films, and has been semi-retired since 2007, concentrating on personal investing and writing.