Blogging – Day 25

Business Blog
Picked up Amazon as an affiliate and wow, they offer so many ways to promote and sale through the Amazon store it is incredible.  I just don’t know where to begin.  I do have a feeling you will be seeing a lot more stuff from Amazon.  The only issue was the banners are in iframes and although yes, I can make them work, because of the plugin I use, I had forgotten the small changes to the code to make it work.  I was very surprised to learn I didn’t make an article on how to fix this.  So, either later tonight I will work on it or tomorrow.

I really am happy so far with Amazon, but now my mind is just going crazy and I really need to get the Sports Betting done.  At least the articles and stuff, before I move forward.  I always feel like I am rushed and never have enough time.  I even do Polyphasic Sleep and there still never seems like enough time.   Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day.

I am also very excited to get one of my favorite electronic items that I use everyday.  Every time I say I am going to watch TV, like Ugly Betty, I always am using my little Roku.  It is an amazing product.
 	 Watch 100,000 Movies Instantly on your TV
Personal Blog
What a day… I don’t even know how to begin or actually when does a day begin for me away.  I have light and darkness, but my days are hard to understand, because I never really sleep.  Well, these blog entries do keep me pretty grounded, since I usually think of this as the end of the day.  I go downstairs, usually take a shower, have a beer, watch something using my little Roku.

Anyway, back to my day, all the fighting over nothing really.  Arguments of the heart always seem to tear at our soul, the very essence of who we are, and if enough of our soul is torn we feel lost, as I do now.  The day moves into night and night moves into day.  Is that where we go within ourselves when life just seems to have taken our soul?  Well, luckily, our minds go into a kind of survivor mode and can slowly repair our damaged dispirited soul and fill our heart with hope.  Eventually, those melancholy days fade away and the spirit-filled soul, soars with renewed strength…

May your soul touch the sky,


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About JD

John Howard has owned 13 companies, had a Real Estate license, been an Mortgage Loan Officer, been extensively involved in Day Trading, Commodities, Bought and Sold Tax Property, Accomplished Tax Auditor, Accountant, Written numerous computer programs, Written Screen Plays & Short Films, been Director on two major production short films, and has been semi-retired since 2007, concentrating on personal investing and writing.