Blogging – Day 34 – Feb 16, 2011

Personal loan, debt consolidation, Wedding loans

Business Blog
I started working on a review of the Roku device.  Tomorrow I will begin the Project.  I received an email from them that stated:

Big Borrower Promotion from Prosper – THIS THURSDAY ONLY!
To celebrate Prosper’s 5th Birthday, we’ll make the second loan payment* (up to $300) for any borrower who lists a loan tomorrow, February 17, 2011.

So, tomorrow, I will try and get a loan with this peer to peer lending and will record the entire process, hopefully with video tutorials.  Of course that is if I even get the loan, not to many places that will lend money to a Professional Sports Bettor.  lol…

Traffic to JD Sports Online is steadily growing, so I thank you guys for visiting everyday and giving your support by reading the articles.

Personal Blog
What-a-day, I seem to just be spinning my wheels sometimes. I have a big decision to make in the Sports Betting part of my life.  You see, I put stopping points in all my systems, kind of like take the money while you have it and don’t risk it you fool.  Something like that.  Anyway, in the NBA I am .28% ROI (Return on Investment) away from mandatory stopping.  However, the NBA just entered the All Star break, so I have about a week off.  So, the decision is, do I just take the nice ROI I have now or do I risk it, possibly losing all the gains I have made this season just to attempt to acquire the extra .28%.  Oh, and for this season, which runs for 6 months I have earned a nice 39.61% return.  I earned 44.36% for the MLB season last year.  So, that is a total of 83.97% ROI this year.  Pretty nice, if I do say so myself.  Maybe I will start up a hedge fund and open it up to the public.  idk.  Anyway, that is the choice I have to make and I have a few days until I have to finalize that decision.

I didn’t get a chance to go to the gym today, so that wasn’t happy.  Maybe tomorrow.  I think tonight I will have a nice juicy steak with a cold beer, man that makes my mouth water just talking about it.  I have been craving one for a while now.  Well, I better go take a shower and finish up some work.  Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Have a wonderful day and night,


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About JD

John Howard has owned 13 companies, had a Real Estate license, been an Mortgage Loan Officer, been extensively involved in Day Trading, Commodities, Bought and Sold Tax Property, Accomplished Tax Auditor, Accountant, Written numerous computer programs, Written Screen Plays & Short Films, been Director on two major production short films, and has been semi-retired since 2007, concentrating on personal investing and writing.