Business Blog
My computer crashed hard core and it was my fault kind of. I had about a billion windows open and my system was crawling. So I decided I was going to restart. I started saving all the files and closing windows, but then it started to hang. I was getting tired and told myself as soon as it restarts I will lay down for my 11pm nap. I waited and waited and waited, eventually I said screw this and unplugged it. OMG was that a huge mistake. Upon starting it up I got the dreaded blue screen of death that said my hard drive was either damaged or corrupted. After doing some searching I discovered I would need to get a restore disk and boot with that and run a chkdsk /r. No problem I had some extremely old XP CD laying around. Put that puppy in and bam, “missing or corrupted txtsetup.sif file, status 47872 can not continue.” What! okay so how do I work around that. Well you can slave the hard drive to another drive and the other drive would repair the issue as long as it wasn’t a hardware problem. Okay, fine, I had a couple of IDE drives in there already, a kind of Frankenstein system, since the drives are just laying inside the computer not attached physically. Anyway, my main drive is not an IDE drive, it is some funky thing that there is no way to slave it. GRR!! Okay, fine, I will download a boot drive onto a usb drive and since my computer supports USB booting, I should be able to get to dos and start doing something. I download the file from my little guy computer and then try the booting. My main computer has 8 USB ports and not a one will recognize the usb boot drive. Now I am comtemplating calling Microsoft that actually helped me once about 6 years ago so I thought maybe that. Also, perhaps if I took it in to a computer repair place and borrowed a different restore disk, maybe. Although it was around 2:30 am by this time. So, I thought let me check all the boot methods and noticed a Dell partition utility program. I was able to boot the computer into that and start running diagnostic repairs well after an hour of running test everything was coming out okay. Finally I said, I am going to take my 3 am nap and just let it run doing some tests. When I woke it had found an error. It corrected it, however it wasn’t hard drive related, but heck maybe it could help. The blue screen of death was still there at restart, so I restarted again with the repair disk and YES it loaded. After-a-while of slowly loading I came to the option of selecting R, repair or restore. I then did the command fixmbr and that took like 2 seconds. hmm…. I thought, I doubt that did anything, so I did chkdsk /r and that is currently taking a long time, but it isn’t finding anything wrong. hmm… It is now 5am and still running that check. I will let you know how this ends… It is now 7:30am and the chkdsk /r got hung up and I had to unplug the computer. This caused me to have to go back to square one. Now the restore disk is not working and I am doing a diagnostic scan right now. (see below)* End-the-end everything has failed. I am now forced to use only my “little guy” which is a standard Acer Netbook. The little cheap mini computers that most believe can’t do anything. I will say, I sure do miss my main computer. Since I do not have the tools to effectively fix my main computer I took it in to Glenn’s Computers in Bay City Tx. We shall see how well he does.
*Update: Glenn’s Computers did the exactly the same thing I did above, but with a more current version of the XP disc. It is working perfectly, so what I had done would have worked with newer software
Personal Blog
What a day it has been. I slept in, I was lucky enough to eat a wonderful lunch. I watched a really good webinar about Pay-Per-Click marketing and then the shit hit the fan. You know that is really a disgusting saying because I always envision myself on the side where fleeces is blown all over me.
Anyway, it has been a hectic couple of days. Well, then again, maybe not. I haven’t really been doing much accept I finished watching Dirty Sexy Money and have moved on to Kyle XY: Season 1 and I finished the season. I actually didn’t think I would like this type of sci-fi show, but it is really good. I was even tearing up several time. It is just a really good show. Well, at least so far, as I just started Season 2.
I decided to just combine these last two days as with the main computer going down it is much more difficult to write articles and stuff.
G’night and have a wonderful day or night.
Life is too short not to live long,