Blogging – Day 6

So, last night about 1am before I started watching Stargate, again, on Netflix instance watch, I was reading an article about being focused for internet marketing and I thought, tomorrow, I will be more focused and really spend some time on it.  Well, this morning after my morning Sports Betting, I started working more on the outline, but then I had to work on my Poker tournaments first.  So, I played in a couple and lost.  So, I had to play bigger tournaments and finally after hours of playing, I had won back most and ended down around 50 cents for the day.  I finally left to go grocery shopping around 4pm and managed to start working on the blog around 6pm or so.  However, I ended up watching a YouTube video about how Google Custom Search really helped out, so I thought, I need that.  However, I am using WordPress and it was just not too happy about my plans to circumvent it’s own search tool for the fancy google custom adsense search tool.  After hours of research, I finally was successful.  I thanked those that steered me in the right direction.  Anyway, once I was finished, I wrote an article on how to do it and now that it is 1am, it is time to sign off.  Oh, one last thing, yesterday, I made $1.77 with Adsense and $0 with all others.

Adding Google Custom Search with Adsense

Personal Blog:
Think I pretty much covered it up there. Oh, my cousin and I had a debate over some math issues involving gamblers fallacy.  He is pretty good in math, but that was just something he didn’t quite believe.  I tried to say in-the-end it was going to end up being that we were both right as gamblers fallacy deals with small numbers and he was talking more along the lines of large numbers.  Anyway, he eventually called back and said we were both right. lol.  funny stuff I tell ya.

Well, time for a nice hot shower and my ever pressing ice cold beer.  Cheers to you all and remember, play smart…


AdSense All Others
01/14/11 $1.34 $0.00
01/15/11 $2.15 $0.00
01/16/11 $6.38 $0.00
01/17/11 $5.64 $0.00
01/18/11 $1.77 $0.00
Totals $17.28 $0.00
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About JD

John Howard has owned 13 companies, had a Real Estate license, been an Mortgage Loan Officer, been extensively involved in Day Trading, Commodities, Bought and Sold Tax Property, Accomplished Tax Auditor, Accountant, Written numerous computer programs, Written Screen Plays & Short Films, been Director on two major production short films, and has been semi-retired since 2007, concentrating on personal investing and writing.