Business Blog
My first little commission was recorded today! Woot!
I worked on streamlining the ADs on the site. Eventually it will be more uniformed and relevant, although on this type of everything goes blog, relevancy is sometimes a mystery.
Tomorrow I start getting set up for MLB, probably one of my most labor intesive data crunching seasons I have. There are 4 systems and they all require lots of set-up.
Personal Blog
As the week of chaos that is March Madness slows down for the next games are not until Thursday, I will be transitioning into MLB. It would have been nice to have had a bettor record this season as the March Madness area got so much traffic, but that is sports betting and I don’t really have a clue when it comes to college basketball, but it is fun
My Polyphasic goal for this month is definitely in jeopardy. I have 11 days left and over 10 hours to take off of my 3 hours a day average. I am going to have to get less than 2 hours of sleep a day for the next 10 days and I have never made it 2 days in a row under 2 hours. It will be interesting to see if I will now get motivated to actually get out of bed.
I am almost done with Kyle XY: Season 3. Probably will finish it tonight.
Checking Netflix Instant Watch releases and adding the following to my queue:
- Eat Pray Love - The reviews on this movie are either they seem to hate it or love it… hmm… It has Julia Roberts and as I watched the trailer it made me smile and laugh, so I am going to add it to my queue.
To view my Netflix Instant Watch feed, just click the link, keep in mind, there are 500 TV or Movies listed.
Well, it is time to call it a night as it is 1:15am and I get to start the entertainment portion of the day err night, which is eating and watching TV or a Movie and of course, having a beer. You guys take care…
G’night and have a wonderful day or night.
Life is too short not to live long,