Blogging Day 78 April 1, 2011

Business Blog
Yesterday’s top viewing country outside of the US was:  Netherlands
Yesterday’s top viewing State, excluding Bay City peeps was:  California
Yesterday’s top viewing page:  Polyphasic Sleep Project – JD’s 10 Minute Naps

I didn’t spend too much time on any blogging today as I was too busy getting my Assumed Name Certificate

Personal Blog
It amazes me at the cruelty of people sometimes.  Where does all this hatred come from? Sure I can understand someone trying to justify vengeance to a certain degree, but where does it end and where does cruelty without provocation begin? When asked of Jesus what about those who never hear the word would they be saved and his reply was it is written in their heart.  Is it that some do not have this divine manuscript of manifest destiny within themselves or perhaps the blood of Cain courses through the veins of many.  I doubt I will ever discover the true nature to this divine question of good vs evil.

I have been watching The Gates and it is a really excellent tv series.

Imagining that he’s bound for a quiet hitch in the suburbs, Chicago cop Nick Monohan (Frank Grillo) signs on as the chief of police in an idyllic planned community called The Gates, bringing along his wife, Sarah (Marisol Nichols), and their two kids. Soon after they settle in, though, the Monohans — especially Nick — begin to notice that their new neighbors encompass some very strange types, including werewolves, witches and more.

Little Notes:

  • I filed my Assumed Name Certificate today

Checking Netflix Instant Watch releases and adding the following to my queue:

  • Not adding to queue

To view my Netflix Instant Watch feed, just click the link, keep in mind, there are 500 TV or Movies listed.

I haven’t been working too much on the website or Internet Marketing.  Still trying to get my life in order.  It is chaos currently.

G’night and have a wonderful day or night.

Life is too short not to live long,


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About JD

John Howard has owned 13 companies, had a Real Estate license, been an Mortgage Loan Officer, been extensively involved in Day Trading, Commodities, Bought and Sold Tax Property, Accomplished Tax Auditor, Accountant, Written numerous computer programs, Written Screen Plays & Short Films, been Director on two major production short films, and has been semi-retired since 2007, concentrating on personal investing and writing.