Polyphasic Sleep – Day 1

Day 1 was the beginning of something brand new to me in both blogging and keeping daily records of Polyphasic, so I apologize for this lack of format and log information.  I promise you, later I add much more information, including my meals between every nap and even audio recordings.  So if this the first entry you are reading please continue on and not only will you discover the ups and down of Polyphasic you will be able to see me grow in my writing of blog content.  I came back to this entry to see what I could do to help it out… lol… not much I could do.  Thank you very much for reading and keep going through the days, I promise it will be worth it if Polyphasic is something you are interested in.

Day 1 of my Polyphasic Sleep Project.  It is 1:15am, just got finished with my nightly beer and watched an episode of Stargate. I actually started this project at 8pm yesterday and managed to get about 20 minutes of sleep, however at the 11pm sleep time I only got around 10 minutes, couldn’t fall asleep.  I hope I am able to get in at least 20 minutes each time for the first week or so.

The way I have it set up is I am using a digital timer and each time when I lay down I turn my phone to silent.  I am sleeping on the couch in the living room during this time, so we will see how it goes.  I am already starting to yawn, so I am not sure how this first couple of days will play out.

See ya in a few hours,


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About JD

John Howard has owned 13 companies, had a Real Estate license, been an Mortgage Loan Officer, been extensively involved in Day Trading, Commodities, Bought and Sold Tax Property, Accomplished Tax Auditor, Accountant, Written numerous computer programs, Written Screen Plays & Short Films, been Director on two major production short films, and has been semi-retired since 2007, concentrating on personal investing and writing.