Polyphasic Sleep – Day 13

Total Sleep Time: 3hr 32min

3am – 1 hr 13min
It took a little while to finally go to sleep.  Then I didn’t really want to get up so I reset the timer 3 more times.  It is like hitting a snooze.  However, as usual when I sleep longer, I feel very tired.  Like I do right now.

7am – 9min
I laid down a little early because I was tired from the too much sleep before.  I woke feeling much better and a wake.

9am – 1hr 23min
lol… I received a phone call and laid down on my little pallet.  I talked on the phone for about 1min and placed it beside me, but the phone shut off.  It has a battery issue.  Anyway I closed my eyes for a second and 1hr and 23min passed before I realized anything.  I had such vivid dreams of storms, tornadoes, a post apocalyptic world.  Very strange especially since I haven’t really had any dreams that I remember in a while.

11am – skip
Didn’t bother since I felt really awake and not tired at all.

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This should be interesting from a clinically stand point.  I have been arguing for most of the day, not getting any “work” done of course.  Then we made up and everything was good, so I laid down to get a nap in, but 8 minutes into it and I was still laying there awake and I received a call.  Another argument. This one lasted until around 6pm or so.  Now everything is supposedly fine, however the interesting part as pertaining to Polyphasic is, how will I do in the upcoming sessions since I skipped two.  Right now it is 6:25p and I am getting sleepy.  Wish me luck

7pm – 56min
I am not sure if i was just sad or lazy, but I didn’t want to get up, so I restarted the timer 2 more times.  Right now, I am awake and alert.

11pm – 0min
I laid down about 30 minutes late, but just laid there thinking about all the possibilities of using Amazon on the site.  I stayed laying down for the full 20 minutes, but never fell asleep

Thus ends day 13 of Polyphasic Sleep

Sleep Well,


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About JD

John Howard has owned 13 companies, had a Real Estate license, been an Mortgage Loan Officer, been extensively involved in Day Trading, Commodities, Bought and Sold Tax Property, Accomplished Tax Auditor, Accountant, Written numerous computer programs, Written Screen Plays & Short Films, been Director on two major production short films, and has been semi-retired since 2007, concentrating on personal investing and writing.