Polyphasic Sleep Day 29

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Total Sleep Time: 1 hr 46 min

3am – 11 min

Polyphasic Day 28 0300

(To hear an Audio version push the play button above)

Started Late by about 45 minutes


  • Artesian Water
  • 1 pretzel rod

I started late as I was still working on the yesterday’s Blogging Project page.  I laid there for about 9 minutes trying to go to sleep and eventually I did.  Now, I am a little sleepy but looking forward to my pizza and beer.

7am – 22 min

Polyphasic Day 29 0700

(To hear an Audio version push the play button above)

Started Late by about 30 minutes


  • Beer
  • 1 whole pizza

It took a little bit to fall asleep despite all the yawning I was doing.  However, I slept through my timer and woke with the computer alarm.  I was running a little late because I was watching 24:Season 8 and now that the entire series is over it will be missed.  I enjoyed this Season and actually all the seasons.  I am sure eventually I will come back to it and watch them all again.

11am – 18 min – 15 min

Polyphasic Day 29 1100

(To hear an Audio version push the play button above)

Started Late by about 30 minutes


  • Artesian Water

I went right to sleep and woke with the timer.  However, I am so tired and out of it.  Not sure I can make it to the next time… Right after writing that I laid back in my chair and fell right to sleep.  I woke about 15 minutes later.

3pm – 00min

huge personal crisis…

7pm – 00mm

still crisis… at around 8:30 I fell asleep for 40 min

11pm – 00 min


  • lots of ice cream
  • 1 pretzel rod

Okay, I will talk more about what happen in my personal blog, but Elizabeth and I got into a relationship ending type fight.  One of those, if it wasn’t nailed down it is broken now types.  It is a long story, but in-the-end we made up and oh how did we make up :D

Now some say fights slowly destroy a relationship as a part of you is left behind and some say they only make you stronger, but I think they are all different.  Each standing on it’s own.  I feel this argument made our bond stronger.  That in times to come we will be able to weather any storm and stand proudly hand in hand and fiercely proclaim  into the howling wind we shall not be torn asunder!

Total Sleep Time: 1 hr 46 min

Thus ends day 29 of the Polyphasic Sleep Project

Sleep Well,


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About JD

John Howard has owned 13 companies, had a Real Estate license, been an Mortgage Loan Officer, been extensively involved in Day Trading, Commodities, Bought and Sold Tax Property, Accomplished Tax Auditor, Accountant, Written numerous computer programs, Written Screen Plays & Short Films, been Director on two major production short films, and has been semi-retired since 2007, concentrating on personal investing and writing.