Polyphasic Sleep Day 30

Total Sleep Time: 3 hr 26 min

3am – 22 min

Polyphasic Day 30 0300

(To hear an Audio version push the play button above)

Started Late by about 1 hour & 45 minutes


  • Artesian Water
  • Beer
  • Very thick steak – yummo!

I fell asleep quickly as I was tired from watching Eli Stone: Season 1 I was pleasantly surprised by it.  So far it is decent and watchable at least for me.  Anyway, I woke but fell back to sleep and my computer alarm woke me.  I am coming off an under 2 hour day, so we shall see if I make it as I still have not had two days of under 2 hours yet.

7am – about 1 hr 53  min

Polyphasic Day 30 0700

(To hear an Audio version push the play button above)


  • Artesian Water

I am not sure what happened here.  As best I can tell that is the correct amount of sleep, but it was marred with many periods of wakefulness, maybe.  All I know, is in the end Elizabeth called and I woke, but I was in my desk chair.  So, sometime while working I fell asleep and woke to the phone call.  Luckily, I was awakened because who knows how long I would have slept.  I hope this does not become a habit as I would hate to start falling asleep in my chair as I spend so much time in it.

11am – about 18  min


  • Artesian Water

I went right to sleep and woke up in my standard fashion.  I feel refreshed and awake and am ready to hopefully get some work done.

3pm – about 18  min


  • Artesian Water
  • 2 cups of coffee
  • Special Herb Chicken – (Elizabeth brought some over, the onions and mushrooms were so good.)

I was feeling stuffed and tired from eating the chicken that I didn’t think I would make it to 3pm.  However, I did and fell right to sleep.  Upon awaking I felt nauseous.  I hope it fades soon.

7pm – about 18  min


  • Artesian Water
  • 1 Pretzel Rod

I went right to sleep and woke in my standard fashion.  I feel a little sluggish, but I am sure it will fade with time.

11pm – about 17  min

Polyphasic Day 30

(To hear an Audio version push the play button above)


  • Artesian Water
  • Some chicken, spinach, onion between tortillas

I wasn’t really tired but thought I should try anyway.  I went right to sleep.  I was awoken with about 8 minutes to go by Callie running through the room and jumping from chair to chair in the office.  Anyway, I just opened my eyes and then closed them again and went back to sleep.  I am actually wide awake and feel really good.

Total Sleep Time: 3 hr 26 min

Thus ends day 30 of the Polyphasic Sleep Project.

Sleep well,


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About JD

John Howard has owned 13 companies, had a Real Estate license, been an Mortgage Loan Officer, been extensively involved in Day Trading, Commodities, Bought and Sold Tax Property, Accomplished Tax Auditor, Accountant, Written numerous computer programs, Written Screen Plays & Short Films, been Director on two major production short films, and has been semi-retired since 2007, concentrating on personal investing and writing.