Polyphasic Sleep Day 31

Total Sleep Time: 3 hr 32 min

3am – 18 min

(For an Audio version of today’s entry please see the end of the page)


  • Artesian Water
  • 1 pretzel rod

I went right to sleep and woke to the timer.  Right this moment I am extremely tired and not sure I will make it to 7am

7am – 1 hr 56 min

(For an Audio version of today’s entry please see the end of the page)

Started an hour early


  • Beer
  • Chips and dip (sour cream, Louisiana hot sauce, picante sauce, spices)

I just couldn’t stay awake.  I was so tired I didn’t even set my back up alarm.  I knew Elizabeth would call in the morning if all else failed and it did and I slept until she called.  Hopefully I will be able to stay under 4 hours for the day

11am – 18 min

(For an Audio version of today’s entry please see the end of the page)

Started late by about 1.5 hours


  • Artesian Water
  • Migas breakfast taco

My 11am nap time came but I was working on a project, then Elizabeth called and well, I didn’t get to sleep until about an hour and a half late.  I went straight to sleep, but I woke tired.  I am up, but I doubt I will make it to 3pm

3pm – 42 minutes

(For an Audio version of today’s entry please see the end of the page)

Started Early – 1 hour


  • Artesian Water

As I feared, I fell asleep early, but got up okay, but very tired.  I went downstairs and laid down on the couch and fell right back to sleep.  Luckily the dyer went off and woke me.  I feel tired and weak, but am about to head to the gym, so we shall see what happens.

7pm – 18 min

(For an Audio version of today’s entry please see the end of the page)

Gym work out – didn’t increase any weight but maintained. However, I didn’t have the motivation to finish my abs.


  • Artesian Water
  • 1 glass of coconut milk
  • 1 chocolate and peanut butter Ghirardelli bar

I went right to sleep and woke feeling rested.  I finally feel much better than I have all day.  I don’t know what it was today, but I was tired the entire day.

11pm – 00min

(For an Audio version of today’s entry please see the end of the page)

Started Late – about 1.5 hours


  • Artesian Water
  • Chicken taco
  • 1 small fries (Whataburger)
  • 1 jr burger (Whataburger)
  • 1 soft drink D.P. (Whataburger)

I was working on the article Stop the Madness: The Hypocrisy of the Vegan so I didn’t get to lay down until an 1.5 hours after the time I was supposed to.  However, once I laid down I couldn’t sleep, because I was thinking too much about the article, but I did get to have a little vision of it, which I added at the beginning of the article.  My timer went off and I got up.  Interesting enough, I finally finished the article, complete with an audio version and it is now after 3am.  lol… time for my nap for tomorrow.  So, I need to hurry and finish this and make an audio version.  At least I made it under 4 hours for the day, so that is good.

Total Sleep Time: 3 hr 32 min

Polyphasic Day 31

(For an Audio version of this article push the play button above)

Thus ends Day 31 of the Polyphasic Sleep Project.

Sleep Well,


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About JD

John Howard has owned 13 companies, had a Real Estate license, been an Mortgage Loan Officer, been extensively involved in Day Trading, Commodities, Bought and Sold Tax Property, Accomplished Tax Auditor, Accountant, Written numerous computer programs, Written Screen Plays & Short Films, been Director on two major production short films, and has been semi-retired since 2007, concentrating on personal investing and writing.