Total Sleep Time: 3hr 46 Min
Day 5 of Polyphasic Sleep has me changing my schedule to only 6 sessions a day. So my new times are 3-7-11, sleeping 15-18 minutes every 4 hours. This change is moving more in-line with the Uberman sleep schedule, now that I have been doing this for a few days.
3am – 0min
Although, I did not sleep, I did go into a strange state. I was aware the whole time and yet I was seeing images like I was dreaming. I can manipulate the “visions” as I am completely aware and awake. Usually when this type of non sleep happens, I am fully rested and wide awake when the timer ends and this morning is no different. I may increase the timer to 25 minutes to give me a couple of minutes to fall asleep and still get in 20 minutes, since I dropped from 8 times a day to six. However, for now, I will still leave the timer at 2o minutes.
7am – 2hrs 12min
I tried to make it to 7am but a little after 5am I had to get some rest… well, I didn’t even bother to set the timer. I just fell asleep. This time of the night seems to be the hardest for me.
8am – 1hr 5min
Well today has been a total crash and burn. I feel wide awake and great now, but I haven’t been able to stay on schedule. I wonder what the rest of this Sunday will bring.
11am – 18 min
That was better. I was yawning and getting sleepy. Actually fell asleep this time and was dreaming before I drifted off to actual sleep. I feel refresh, no weird feelings.
3pm – 5 min
I am saying 5 minutes, but I never really slept. I pulled over into a parking lot and would fall into a deep relaxed state, but only a couple of times did I have very vivid dreams, but there was a lot of noise so I would quickly fall out of a crisp “dream” and only see a murky shadow dream where I am awake, but not really. Anyway, I watched the clock quite a lot. I ended it early since it was apparent I wasn’t going to go completely to sleep.
7pm – 18 min
I went right to sleep. It seemed like I just put the timer on and next thing I knew, I was turning it off… I feel pretty good.
11pm – 5min
I am adding 5 minutes but all I did was lay down and watch the kaleidoscope of strange blue silk visions pass before me. With my eyes closed I was kind of “seeing” the room in a dark blue soft light. Waves of light would ripple from me and I could see my surroundings. I even put my hand over my eyes at one time to make sure they were closed; very strange experience. I am sure it was just my mind remember what it looked like in here before I shut my eyes, but it was still eerie.
Thus ends day 5 of Polyphasic sleep.
Sleep well,
JD, that is one intense schedule!
I absolutely know what you mean by this strange state of not sleeping and yet being conscious. I was like that the first 3-4 days for my morning naps.
One thing I’d advise you (which had been previously advised to me and helped me a lot adjust) is not to skip nor cut short the naps. I too was tempted to do so when I couldn’t fall asleep. But I discovered that sticking to it actually helped a lot.
Anyway, I hope day 6 is going to be much better for you!
Thank you. Today, I was tempted to just get up during one of my naps because it was obvious I wasn’t going to sleep anymore, but I stayed and the day has gone a little smoother.