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Total Sleep Time: 2 hrs 58 min
3am – 00 min
- Artesian Water
- 1 Beer
- 1 piece of Chicken
- 1 Organic Apple sliced and peeled
I laid down but could never fall asleep. I am worried how this will effect me later today.
7am – 2 hr 22 min
Started Early – about an hour
- Artesian Water
I was just too tired to make it to 7am. I fell asleep and woke to a phone call; luckily, because I probably would have slept for a long time otherwise. Once again I didn’t make it 2 days in a row of under 2 hours of sleep
11am – 7 min
- Artesian Water
- 2 cups of coffee
- 1 scrambled egg
I set my timer to make sure I’d make it under 3 hours for the day, however it took a little longer than expected to fall asleep. I woke via the cell alarm and feel okay.
3pm – 9 min
Started Late – about 30 min
- Arms - Maintained strength
- Walk at trail
- Artesian Water
- Protein Shake
I set my timer for 12 minutes was asleep in 2 minutes, but woke up with 2 minutes left and fell back to sleep. I woke via the cell alarm.
7 pm – 10 min
- Artesian Water
- 1 cup of coffee
I wasn’t tired and didn’t think I would fall asleep especially since I only set the timer for 12 minutes, but I fell right to sleep and woke via the cell alarm.
11pm – 10 min
- Artesian Water
- 2 pretzel rods
- Cottage Cheese and flaxseed oil with organic trail mix
Now this is getting interesting. I have been setting my timer for 12 minutes now each time and sleeping only 10 min each time. I have awaken more alert that I usually do. I don’t have any brain fog, but I do have a kind of brain shock for a few minutes.
Total Sleep Time: 2 hrs 58 min
Thus ends day 57 of the Polyphasic Sleep Project and overall it has been a strange day. I am finding it weird that reducing my nap time so drastically is actually easier that the longer nap times. I will keep up the 10 minute naps and see what happens. Right now, the only issue I am having is around my eyes, they burn a little. Not the eyes themselves, but around the eyes. However, I am more awake than normal and not getting as tired. Well, I may come crashing down at the next session, since it is the 3am and 7am ones I always sleep my long sessions at. We shall see.
Sleep Well,
Your comment on the 10 minutes is quite interesting because this sometimes also happens to me…. while I set my alarm for 20minutes. But, already, several times, I’ve woken up on my own, after just 10minutes of sleep and have felt, despite my opposite expectations, just great! And I thought that a min of 18 min were needed…
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