Polyphasic Sleep – Day 7

Day 7 of Polyphasic Sleep
Total Sleep Time: 4hr 48min

3am – 3hr 42min
lol… umm… well… idk about this Uberman schedule, since I seem to be doing some sort of hybrid between the Uberman and Everyman.  It is the JDSports Guy schedule… lol..  Once again I over slept in the 3am – 7am.  I thought I had the answer this time.  I was supposed to take a nap in my office chair, but when the time came, I said, “but this couch feels really good, one little nap can’t hurt.” :-)

7am – skipped
see previous time session

11am – 18min
I started about an hour late.  I wasn’t sleepy at all at 11am so I continued doing other things and by 11:30 I started to get tired and got ready to sleep.  I was out in amount 2 minutes.  I woke fully awake and feel good.

3pm – 18min
Went right to sleep fine and woke up okay too.  However, right now, I am sleepy and think a nice long nap would be sooo nice.

7pm – 18 min
I was late by about an hour starting this one, but I did manage to go right to sleep.  I am up and feel normal.

11pm – 12 min
I was working on a new blog for Lyle Von D called Real Lyrics From the Heart so I was running about 45 minutes late.  Then my mind was thinking about all the things I still needed to add for her that it took a while to fall asleep.  I woke up with 4 minutes to go, but laid here waiting for the time to pass.

Thus here ends Day 7.

Have a Great Day and See ya tomorrow,


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About JD

John Howard has owned 13 companies, had a Real Estate license, been an Mortgage Loan Officer, been extensively involved in Day Trading, Commodities, Bought and Sold Tax Property, Accomplished Tax Auditor, Accountant, Written numerous computer programs, Written Screen Plays & Short Films, been Director on two major production short films, and has been semi-retired since 2007, concentrating on personal investing and writing.