Polyphasic Sleep Day 70

Total Sleep Time: 3 hrs 45 min

4am – 3 hrs 23 min


  • Artesian Water
  • 2 Beers
  • 2 small homemade, organic pizzas

I set my cell alarm for 2 hours and my back up for 2.5 hours and I turned them all off and went right back to sleep.  So, hmm… not sure what time to try tomorrow.  Maybe I will give 3 hours a try again.

11am – 8 min


  • 2 cups of coffee

I fell to sleep pretty quickly and woke via my cell alarm.

3pm – 10 min


  • Artesian Water
  • 1 cup of coffee
  • Migas Taco

I fell right to sleep.  As the time approached to nap, I got extremely tired.  However, I woke fully rested, not drowse, sleepy or anything near that.

7pm – 4 min


  • Walk/Run at Trail


  • Artesian Water
  • Protein Shake

I couldn’t fall asleep and almost just got up, but then somehow, I managed to leave the world of the waking and walk in the world of fantasy.

11pm – 00 min


  • Artesian Water
  • Cereal – Ezekiel 4:9 with organic honey, organic banana, & unsweetened coconut milk.

I laid down and tried to sleep, but it never came.  Too much squidoo on my mind, as I just discovered this area of the internet with it’s built in AdSense and Amazon commissions. Here is the “lens” I made real quick: Hard Drive Enclosure

Total Sleep Time: 3 hrs 45 min

Thus ends day 70 of the Polyphasic Sleep Project and overall I felt worn down; like I didn’t have any energy.  IDK what it is really.  Maybe just a combination of everything.

Sleep Well,


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About JD

John Howard has owned 13 companies, had a Real Estate license, been an Mortgage Loan Officer, been extensively involved in Day Trading, Commodities, Bought and Sold Tax Property, Accomplished Tax Auditor, Accountant, Written numerous computer programs, Written Screen Plays & Short Films, been Director on two major production short films, and has been semi-retired since 2007, concentrating on personal investing and writing.