Total Sleep Time: 3 hrs 45 min
4am – 3 hrs 23 min
- Artesian Water
- 2 Beers
- 2 small homemade, organic pizzas
I set my cell alarm for 2 hours and my back up for 2.5 hours and I turned them all off and went right back to sleep. So, hmm… not sure what time to try tomorrow. Maybe I will give 3 hours a try again.
11am – 8 min
- 2 cups of coffee
I fell to sleep pretty quickly and woke via my cell alarm.
3pm – 10 min
- Artesian Water
- 1 cup of coffee
- Migas Taco
I fell right to sleep. As the time approached to nap, I got extremely tired. However, I woke fully rested, not drowse, sleepy or anything near that.
7pm – 4 min
- Walk/Run at Trail
- Artesian Water
- Protein Shake
I couldn’t fall asleep and almost just got up, but then somehow, I managed to leave the world of the waking and walk in the world of fantasy.
11pm – 00 min
- Artesian Water
- Cereal – Ezekiel 4:9 with organic honey, organic banana, & unsweetened coconut milk.
I laid down and tried to sleep, but it never came. Too much squidoo on my mind, as I just discovered this area of the internet with it’s built in AdSense and Amazon commissions. Here is the “lens” I made real quick: Hard Drive Enclosure
Total Sleep Time: 3 hrs 45 min
Thus ends day 70 of the Polyphasic Sleep Project and overall I felt worn down; like I didn’t have any energy. IDK what it is really. Maybe just a combination of everything.
Sleep Well,
What’s interesting is that, if my calculations are right, you are now exactly in the weeks when I experienced my sudden polyphasic crash. Either there’s really something about those weeks, or it must be a reaction following your sleep schedule change. (or, both?)
Do you feel like the lack of motivation/energy is a result not sleeping enough, or is it due to other external factors?
Claudie recently posted..Polyphasic sleep- Caloric expenditure and workouts Cont W 9 & 10
I personally believe it is more external, however perhaps Polyphasic is amplifying it. At some point today I was driving around feeling really good with lots of energy and my mood was happy and upbeat. However, once I started thinking about things I slowly fell to a state of not-so-happiness. As my nap time approached I began to lose motivation to do really anything.
I just now woke from going into a 10 minute nap in this state and although I woke 10 minutes later refreshed and fine, I didn’t want to get up. So, I fell back to sleep without even setting my alarm.
Anyway, currently my thinking is Polyphasic amplifies emotions.