Polyphasic Sleep Day 73

Total Sleep Time: 5 hrs 18 min

3am – 5 hrs 3 min

Started Late – about 30 minutes


  • Artesian Water
  • 1 Beer
  • 2 small homemade organic pizzas

lol… Oh, I thought I would try the comfy couch again and Bam! Hibernation Mode! lol… I just can not seem to sleep somewhere comfortable and stay on schedule.  I had set my cell alarm and a back up alarm to wake me and that was the last thing I remember.  Now, I was going for a 1.5 hour core and I actually set my back up for PM and not AM, so…  Anyway, tomorrow is another day, as for today, I will take the extra sleep, although I am tired now and keep yawning.

7am – Skipped

I was asleep through this

11am – 2 min

Started late about 1.5 hours


  • Artesian Water
  • 1 cup of coffee

A lot of issues going on so I started late; was woken up via text and a phone call.

3pm – 4 min

Started late about 2 hours


  • Artesian Water
  • 2 cups of coffee

Again issues still going on, I was waken by text and phone call again.

7pm – 2 min

Started late – about 1 hour


  • Walk at trail


  • Artesian Water
  • 2 handfuls of organic trailmix
  • 5 Jalapeno Pretzels

Things have just gotten worse.  It is crazy.  I tried to sleep, but kept receiving text messages filled with hatred because of my kindness.  I have never experience anything like this and never knew the verbal cruelty people can extort to just because you stand up to someone and say I am not going to let you hurt me emotionally anymore.  Obviously, I underestimated her emotional cruelty.

11pm – 7 min


  • Artesian Water
  • 2 Pretzel Rods

Wow, I am speechless… In the next few days there will be some huge changes in my life and for now I will have to keep them close to the vest.  Let me just say, things have gotten way out of control in a bad way.

Total Sleep Time: 5 hrs 18 min

Thus ends day 73 of the Polyphasic Sleep Project and overall I am emotionally drained, but I am still standing, barely.  Although, not sure what the next few days will hold, but I am going to try and keep blogging.  As for polyphasic, idk what is going to happen.

Sleep Well,


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About JD

John Howard has owned 13 companies, had a Real Estate license, been an Mortgage Loan Officer, been extensively involved in Day Trading, Commodities, Bought and Sold Tax Property, Accomplished Tax Auditor, Accountant, Written numerous computer programs, Written Screen Plays & Short Films, been Director on two major production short films, and has been semi-retired since 2007, concentrating on personal investing and writing.