Wealthy Affiliate Project – Day 1

When starting a new projects I usually don’t develop a format for each day until about a week or so.  Which means many times, the writing is more raw and not as pretty, at least when it comes to format.  It will be interesting to see how things change as I learn more.  I will not come back and change the format because I think it is part of the project itself.  As in, I learned new techniques to write a better article so I would go back and change things around.  In this case, I will not be doing that.

Day 1 was rather exciting and hectic for me.  To be bombarded with so much information was crazy.  Okay, let’s see how it all started.


  • Total Income: $0.00
  • Today’s Income: $0.00
  • Total Expense: $1.00
  • Today’s Expense: $1.00 via Pay Pal
  • Today Time Working: 4 hours 3 minutes
  • Today’s Time Working: 4 hours 3 minutes
  • Earned Income rate per hour of work: $0.00/hr

Nuts & Bolts

  • Signed up for a 7 Day $1 trial
  • Bombarded with Information
  • Given an Email with a step by step plan
  • Signed up for their Affiliate Program
  • Watched WAbinars
  • Posted in the forums

As you can see in the accounting section I earned $0.00/hr today, which of course is to be expected.  I am going to try and stick with that format, but who know where it will take me in the end.

The 7 Day trial for a $1.00 was nice.  Currently as of me typing this is has expired, (correction as I was writing this they extended the trial time to 6 more hours) I know, I cut it close.  I was sitting on the fence for days.  Anyway, they may have some other promotion going on soon and of course I will keep you informed.  They should just keep the 7-Day $1 trial open, but who knows.  So, what happens after the 7 days?  Well, I will be charged $47 a month.  Wow! I know $47 is a lot.  At least it is less than the $97 full huge membership, but for $47 you get access to just about everything and the only time you will need the $97 membership is when $97 won’t even be an issue.  So, how can they justify the $47 price tag, well, they also are a host.  So you don’t need to get a hosting account somewhere else; such as HostGator.  However, that being said, I already have a HostGator account and this blog is rather big.  I don’t want to try and move everything to Wealthy Affiliate.  Not-to-mention I would be stuck paying $47 a month even if things don’t work out.  At HostGator I only have to pay $8.95 or so. Oh, if you do go and use HostGator, don’t forget to use coupon code: jdsportsonline, as it will save you $9.94 off the price.

The first thing you notice is the shear volume of the site. You will be bombarded with information, even myself which has some knowledge, a little, I was overwhelmed.  I didn’t really know what to do.  It is a good thing they have step-by-step guides.  If anything, they get you to understand most of what is offered. The following is the main tabs offered in the members area:

  • Forum – with 423,249 posts as of this writing. Huge! This alone would probably take a lifetime to read.
  • My WA – Sub-menus are Campaigns – Training History – Welcome Message – Tasks & Goals – Marketing Materials – Pay-per-click Networks – Affiliate Networks – Keyword Lists – Jobs – WA Gold (a system to reward people) – Testimonials
  • My Bookmarks
  • Training Center – Sub-menus are Article Marketing – Email Marketing – Miscellaneous – Pay-per-click – Research – Search Engine Optimization – WA Affiliate Program – WA System Tutorials – Web Hosting – Web Development – Accreditation Courses
  • Tools & Research – Sub-menus are Keyword Research Tool – Site Rubix Website Builder – WA Web Hosting – My-Linker Cloaking Tool – Clickbank Research Tool – Rapid Writer – Turn-Key Feeder Sites – Website Templates – STF Marketing Blueprint – WordPress Express
  • WAbinars
  • Web Hosting
  • WA Spaces
  • Affiliate Program – Sub-menus are Getting Started – Sales & Statistics – Links & Tracking – Incentive Program – Blog & Funnel – Mad Marketing Method
  • Help

So as you can see, that is a huge about of information.  That alone should be enough to compel you to join if this is something you are serious about.

Luckily I was sent an email with step by step instructions on getting started.  It is their 30 day action plan.  They use that term a lot as in take action.  Apparently people sign up but they never do anything.  Now this first day email was specific on what to do which was nice and here is the overview:

(1) Choose Your Niche
(2) Read the Choosing Domain Page within Tutorial (watch video)
(3) Buy a domain from GoDaddy (watch video)
(4) Change your DNS settings
(5) Post any questions you have in the forum

Now, I chose not to buy a new domain name as I will run my “Niches” through subdomains on this site.  Meaning something like myniche.jdsportsonline.com.  What this will do will be to enable me to make a new site each time and load WordPress on each site.  So I can literally have 100s of websites subdomained to my main.  Of course it is not as sexy as having something like affiliatemarketing.com, but I could have affilliamarketing.jdsportsonline.com.  I realize that I should buy the domains, but one, many domains are taken and I would be forced to do something like affiatemarketingforthosewhoknownothingintexas.com… lol.. and two, it will save me $8-$10 a year per domain.

About their actual affiliate program at Wealthy Affiliate, I think OMG about sums it up. They have the most lucrative affiliate program I have ever seen; something like more than half of what someones signs up for.  Now I see why so many people push this place.  I mean seriously nearly the entire fee is given to the affiliate, meaning me.  In-other-words, if you click one of my banners and sign up I will receive a commission month after month and I will receive the lion’s share of your membership fee.  I mean it is crazy.  I like it of course, but still… I am just floored.  Heck I need to change all my ads to Wealthy Affiliate so get hoppin and click on a link and sign up.  Now as lucrative as this may be, it is not going to sway my opinion one way or another, but ya might see a hell of a lot more ads from them. :-)

So, next I watched some WAbinars which are basically instruction videos.  They have only been doing them for less than a year.  They have a lot of written instructions but their video library is limited, but of course very informative.  Now here is something I didn’t like, the guy giving the instructional video is supposed to be someone well versed in Niche Marketing or Internet Marketing in general as he is the one doing all the videos, but here are a couple of his sites he uses as examples: WeightingLoss or Orbitg2stroller, both he says make him money.  Well okay, maybe the stroller site, but the weight loss one?  Both sites seem a little under developed to me, however he said especially the Orbit Stroller site makes him money. I mean seriously if he is making money off that site then apparently any of us can.

Then lastly for the day I left a comment in the forums.  Well, more of a correction really.  You see in the WAbinars section they had said “Blow you” instead of “Below you”  :-)

So that was day 1, now we shall see what tomorrow brings.

Eventually all will be reveled,


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About JD

John Howard has owned 13 companies, had a Real Estate license, been an Mortgage Loan Officer, been extensively involved in Day Trading, Commodities, Bought and Sold Tax Property, Accomplished Tax Auditor, Accountant, Written numerous computer programs, Written Screen Plays & Short Films, been Director on two major production short films, and has been semi-retired since 2007, concentrating on personal investing and writing.