Business Blog
I finished the ADs on Hard Drive Enclosure so that was good. I am starting to like the building and creating side of Niche Marketing. It is something I can create and then move on to the next project.
I also did some more training in PPC Marketing and I hope this will be one area I will be able to get into.
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Personal Blog
Today’s Review is of The Guild: Season 4 (4 out of 5 stars)
In the wake of the third season’s cliffhanger, Codex (Felicia Day) struggles to rationalize her impulsive one-night stand with her archrival, the manipulative Fawkes (Wil Wheaton) — not only to her guild mates but also to herself. Meanwhile, Vork (Jeff Lewis) and Zaboo (Sandeep Parikh) attempt to cope with an unexpected houseguest, and Clara (Robin Thorsen) and Tinkerballa (Amy Okuda) join forces to earn a fast bundle.
If you are an online gamer then this is a must see for you. If you are not a gamer then, it is still interesting but when they use terms like emote and agro, you might not understand and a lot of the shows dialogue is set up that way. It is great fun Now the title of Season 1 – 4 may seem strange since they are shown as a single movie but that is because it is a web based series I believe and although it plays out just like a movie, I believe they have it cut into smaller segments somewhere. Again I recommend this series only for online gamers, I mean when Vork says, “If you are not grinding you are dead to me.” lol, that could have so many different meanings but in gaming it has only one.
Little Notes:
- I was craving a burger and there was a nearby Jack in the Box, so I decide I would get a small cheese burger as I hadn’t eaten there in ages. Once I get the burger I remembered why I never eat here. It is horrible and at first I was frustrated that I had spent money on something so bad, but then I remembered the entertainment I received through the drive-thru, so that added value to the experience. You see, when I pulled up to the window there was a female worker talking loudly to another co-worker about how another person doesn’t work because they are always coming to work stoned or under the influence of other things and how someone else was a “hoe-bag”. I waited quite a long time while this person talked on about all kinds of crazy things going on at Jack in the Box. I felt like saying, “umm, I am right here and you have the window wide open.” It is just amazing, I mean I don’t get easily offended but she was saying some pretty bad stuff. I didn’t think about it until I drove off, but I should have started video recording it.
I have to remember that about my new phone, Motorola Charm, I can start the camcorder almost instantly.
- This morning when trying to write my vision was extremely blurry. I started to get a little worried, however now it is back to normal.
Checking Netflix Instant Watch releases and adding the following to my queue:
- Powwow Highway – not too sure about this, but it sure did get a lot of nice reviews and Netflix claims I will like it.
- Stark Raving Mad – okay, now this is more my style.
To view my Netflix Instant Watch feed, just click the link, keep in mind, there are 500 TV or Movies listed.
Well guys, I am on the hunt for the perfect pizza crust without yeast, mainly because I don’t have any yeast in the kitchen. I have made one pizza already today, now it is time to make another and of course have it with a beer
G’night and have a wonderful day or night.
Life is too short not to live long,
I think it would have been very entertaining to watch the “scene” at Jack In The Box. Personally if I owed or managed it I would want to know what had happened.
Sorry you didn’t like your burger….next time stick with what you know…MR BURGER!!!! As you would say…The….