So, maybe this is a two step, but you can always purchase your domain and have them host it in one easy step, but where is the fun in that.
Seriously though with all the companies offering all these deals what does it all mean? I will break it down to basically who I use and why, but first a little history.
I started my site about a year ago on Go Daddy and thought I would make a standard website. I knew some html code from the old days and thought I could make it from scratch. However, that didn’t go so well, as I had forgotten so much code in my old age. So I called Go Daddy up and switched it to different program where I could use their site builder. It was limited but okay. However, I could only have 5 pages, that is it. If I wanted more than five, I would have to pay more. That is how Go Daddy operates, every little thing cost, a buck here and buck there. Things other places just give for free Go Daddy will charge. Now, to be fair, they charge less to start off with, but then you realize, wait I want a blog, well you can use their free one, which means it is just like all the other free ones, certainly not WordPress. Of course you can have a WordPress blog, it will just cost you.
So, in-the-end, after a couple of months, I just forgot about it. Then one day I received a notice that my $60-$80 charge with Go Daddy was about due. I thought about trying to make a blog again, but all hosting sites always say $4-$8 a month, but charge for the whole year at the minimum. Was there any hosting sites, that just charged for one month only at a time? To my surprise Host Gator did, not only that, there were no additional charges. Just unlimited web pages, unlimited, bandwidth. Need a site builder, no problem, free. Want to use WordPress instead, no problem. Want to have traffic stats, no problem. Basically everything you need, they offer and it is all included. I was just amazed!
Oh, and in case you need a little instruction Video Tutorials!! I am not kidding, actual videos that show you how to get everything going. It was wonderful! I had to transfer my domain name and didn’t have a clue how to do that. All I did was follow their video tutorials and viola, my domain was now pointing from Go Daddy to HostGator.
I still will use Go Daddy for the Domain Name, but HostGator for hosting the site. Now here is a little something I wish I had when I signed up. It is a coupon worth $9.94. Which means if you sign up with HostGator for a month and use the coupon code, it will be free, pretty amazing huh? Whatever you sign up for, they will take $9.94 off the price. It is a great deal. Just use the coupon code jdsportsonline when you sign up and are picking your package.
So, my recommendations are HostGator with coupon code jdsportsonline for hosting and Go Daddy for the domain name purchase. However, if registering and redirecting to a Domain Name seems too complicated, Host Gator can sign you up with a domain name. I probably would have done that, just to keep it simple, if I didn’t already own a domain name.
As you can tell I am a very happy HostGator customer,