Day 8 of Polyphasic Sleep
Total Sleep Time: 5hr 51min
3am – 4hrs 12min
lol… what happened? Once again I decideed I would get all comfortable and sleep in my normal area. I figured I had a lot of work to do and that would stimulate my brain enough to get me out of bed. Well, I am sure I set the timer, but I don’t remember anything after that. No dreams, nothing. I woke 4 hrs and 12 min later. Ah, well, there is always tomorrow.
7am – skipped
Slept through it, see above
11am – 0min
I started an 1h and a half late. I just wasn’t tired and my electricity went out. Last I checked it was 49 degrees in here. I hope the electric comes on soon. Anyway, I just laid there freezing thinking about what will I do. Go read a book, jump in my truck, it has a heater. I closed my eyes but sleep never took a hold of my mind.
3pm – 12min
I didn’t start this nap until 5pm, so I am running somewhat behind. I thought I would just go ahead and skip it but then thought, I better not. I still wasn’t too tired, but after about 4 minutes I fell asleep. However, I woke up with 4 minutes left. I feel pretty good right now. Awake and alert. It is still cold in here, but the electricity is on. I went ahead a laid down up stairs where it is warmer under my electric blanket.
7pm – 14min
I started about an hour late. However, after a little time, I fell asleep. I guess it was that 4 hours I started the day but I do not feel very drained or tired. I feel pretty energized. However, I am still going to try and conquer this Uberman schedule.
11pm – 1hr 13min
I started this late also. I laid down and decided not to go upstairs to get my timer as I have been just waking up on my own anyway. Well, that didn’t happen. Not a very good day for polyphasic sleep.
Till tomorrow,