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Total Sleep Time: 2 hrs 42 min
3am – 10 min
- Artesian Water
- 1 Beer
- 1 organic apple skinned and sliced
- some kashi tv dinner thingy
Okay, another 10 min sleep session. Although, this time I am tired and I don’t think I will make it through the 7am time frame… we shall see…
7am – 2 hrs 8 min
Started Early – about an hour
- Artesian Water
- 2 pretzel rods with organic mustard
Well, I couldn’t make it to 7am and then not thinking I didn’t set a back up alarm. I was awaken by a phone call, which was a good thing as this could have been disastrous. It is still bad enough, but I am going to try and stick with the 10 min sleep times for all my sessions. I would like to make it a whole day just to see what happens. I am already pretty convinced that a core with 10 minute naps is the way to go, but we shall see.
11am – 10 min
Started late about 1.5 hours
- Artesian Water
- 1 cup of coffee
- 2 homemade flour tortillas
I thought I was going to skip this one, but only made it to an hour a half past the time before I was too sleepy and forced to take a nap. I fell asleep rather quickly and woke via the cell alarm.
3pm – Skip
- Artesian Water
- 1 cup of coffee
I know, I skipped this, crazy. I mean it is only 10 minutes, but I got busy going to the grocery store and then went to get something to eat and the next thing I knew it was 5pm. I thought about taking a nap then, but I got busy again. Anyway, I skipped this sleep session.
7pm – 6 min
- Artesian Water
- 1 cup of coffee
- Cheese Burger from Jack in the Box
I know, probably one of the most unhealthy burgers on the planet, but I was craving a burger and Jack in the Box was close. However, it sure was not worth it. It didn’t taste good at all, very frustrating to buy something that doesn’t taste good.
So, I lay down to sleep for 10 minutes and I get 1 phone call and 2 texts. I turn everything down and fall right to sleep, but I remember seeing 7 minutes on the timer the last I checked.
11pm – 8 min
- Artesian Water
- Homemade organic pizza (even made the crust)
- 1 organic apple
I was getting very tired going into this sleep session, but somehow I made it to 11pm. Then I didn’t even fall right to sleep. I was dreaming, but awake. The last I saw of my alarm it was down to 9 minutes
Total Sleep Time: 2 hrs 42 min
Thus ends day 58 of the Polyphasic Sleep Project and overall I did pretty good with the whole 10 min naps, but again, I screwed up in the morning. Hopefully tomorrow will be different as I will be trying the 10 minute nap times again.
Sleep Well,
Would you share your recipe for the pizza?
Yes, once I perfect the crust. I have been working on a quick crust for a while now
JD recently posted..Blogging Day 69 March 23- 2011